an experiment in keeping in touch

Hi friend,

If you're like us you've been experiencing the challenge of keeping in touch with the people you really care about.

We've been thinking about how to create something that might help us feel closer to the people who matter in our lives and came to feel that getting a little message from our friends every couple weeks might go a long way toward doing just that.

To try this out, we built something we're calling It lets you receive messages every other week from friends you’d like to hear from and write messages to those who want to hear from you. You follow friends, friends follow you, and makes it super easy to receive “paragraphs” and way less scary to write your own. It all takes place over email, so there are no new apps to download.

We've been using it with a handful of friends for the past few months, tweaking and optimizing for love along the way. It’s been wonderful. And now we'd love for you to join us.


K, now check your email!

Thanks for letting us get in touch with you — that’s an opportunity we don’t take lightly, and we promise to respect your inbox and take up space only when we need to. For the most part you’ll be receiving paragraphs from friends, and we just sent you an email that will let you start doing just that.